Calculus/Introduction to multivariable calculus - Wikibooks, open books for an open world (2024)

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Introduction to multivariable calculus

This chapter serves as an introduction to multivariable calculus. Multivariable calculus is more complicated than when we were dealing with single-variable functions because more variables means more situations to be concerned about. In the following chapters, we will be discussing limits, differentiation, and integration of multivariable functions, using single-variable calculus as our basis.


  • 1 Topology in Rn
    • 1.1 Lengths and distances
    • 1.2 Open and closed balls
    • 1.3 Boundary points
  • 2 Limits
  • 3 Differentiable functions
    • 3.1 Partial derivatives
    • 3.2 Directional derivatives
    • 3.3 Gradient vectors
      • 3.3.1 Properties of the gradient vector
        • Geometry
        • Algebraic properties
    • 3.4 Product and chain rules
  • 4 Integration
    • 4.1 Riemann sums
    • 4.2 Iterated integrals

Topology in Rn

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In your previous study of calculus, we have looked at functions and their behavior. Most of these functions we have examined have been all in the form

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and only occasional examination of functions of two variables. However, the study of functions of several variables is quite rich in itself, and has applications in several fields.

We write functions of vectors - many variables - as follows:

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and Calculus/Introduction to multivariable calculus - Wikibooks, open books for an open world (3) for the function that maps a vector in Calculus/Introduction to multivariable calculus - Wikibooks, open books for an open world (4) to a vector in Calculus/Introduction to multivariable calculus - Wikibooks, open books for an open world (5) .

Before we can do calculus in Calculus/Introduction to multivariable calculus - Wikibooks, open books for an open world (6) , we must familiarize ourselves with the structure of Calculus/Introduction to multivariable calculus - Wikibooks, open books for an open world (7) . We need to know which properties of Calculus/Introduction to multivariable calculus - Wikibooks, open books for an open world (8) can be extended to Calculus/Introduction to multivariable calculus - Wikibooks, open books for an open world (9) . This page assumes at least some familiarity with basic linear algebra.

Lengths and distances

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If we have a vector in Calculus/Introduction to multivariable calculus - Wikibooks, open books for an open world (10) we can calculate its length using the Pythagorean theorem. For instance, the length of the vector Calculus/Introduction to multivariable calculus - Wikibooks, open books for an open world (11) is

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We can generalize this to Calculus/Introduction to multivariable calculus - Wikibooks, open books for an open world (13) . We define a vector's length, written Calculus/Introduction to multivariable calculus - Wikibooks, open books for an open world (14) , as the square root of the sum of the squares of each of its components. That is, if we have a vector Calculus/Introduction to multivariable calculus - Wikibooks, open books for an open world (15) ,

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Now that we have established some concept of length, we can establish the distance between two vectors. We define this distance to be the length of the two vectors' difference. We write this distance Calculus/Introduction to multivariable calculus - Wikibooks, open books for an open world (17) , and it is

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This distance function is sometimes referred to as a metric. Other metrics arise in different circ*mstances. The metric we have just defined is known as the Euclidean metric.

Open and closed balls

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In Calculus/Introduction to multivariable calculus - Wikibooks, open books for an open world (19) , we have the concept of an interval, in that we choose a certain number of other points about some central point. For example, the interval Calculus/Introduction to multivariable calculus - Wikibooks, open books for an open world (20) is centered about the point 0, and includes points to the left and right of 0.

In Calculus/Introduction to multivariable calculus - Wikibooks, open books for an open world (21) and up, the idea is a little more difficult to carry on. For Calculus/Introduction to multivariable calculus - Wikibooks, open books for an open world (22) , we need to consider points to the left, right, above, and below a certain point. This may be fine, but for Calculus/Introduction to multivariable calculus - Wikibooks, open books for an open world (23) we need to include points in more directions.

We generalize the idea of the interval by considering all the points that are a given, fixed distance from a certain point - now we know how to calculate distances in Calculus/Introduction to multivariable calculus - Wikibooks, open books for an open world (24) , we can make our generalization as follows, by introducing the concept of an open ball and a closed ball respectively, which are analogous to the open and closed interval respectively.

an open ball
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is a set in the form Calculus/Introduction to multivariable calculus - Wikibooks, open books for an open world (26)
a closed ball
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is a set in the form Calculus/Introduction to multivariable calculus - Wikibooks, open books for an open world (28)

In Calculus/Introduction to multivariable calculus - Wikibooks, open books for an open world (29) , we have seen that the open ball is simply an open interval centered about the point Calculus/Introduction to multivariable calculus - Wikibooks, open books for an open world (30) . In Calculus/Introduction to multivariable calculus - Wikibooks, open books for an open world (31) this is a circle with no boundary, and in Calculus/Introduction to multivariable calculus - Wikibooks, open books for an open world (32) it is a sphere with no outer surface. (What would the closed ball be?)

Boundary points

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If we have some area, say a field, then the common sense notion of the boundary is the points 'next to' both the inside and outside of the field. For a set, Calculus/Introduction to multivariable calculus - Wikibooks, open books for an open world (33) , we can define this rigorously by saying the boundary of the set contains all those points such that we can find points both inside and outside the set. We call the set of such points Calculus/Introduction to multivariable calculus - Wikibooks, open books for an open world (34) .

Typically, when it exists the dimension of Calculus/Introduction to multivariable calculus - Wikibooks, open books for an open world (35) is one lower than the dimension of Calculus/Introduction to multivariable calculus - Wikibooks, open books for an open world (36) . e.g. the boundary of a volume is a surface and the boundary of a surface is a curve.

This isn't always true; but it is true of all the sets we will be using.

A set Calculus/Introduction to multivariable calculus - Wikibooks, open books for an open world (37) is bounded if there is some positive number such that we can encompass this set by a closed ball about Calculus/Introduction to multivariable calculus - Wikibooks, open books for an open world (38) . --> if every point in it is within a finite distance of the origin, i.e there exists some Calculus/Introduction to multivariable calculus - Wikibooks, open books for an open world (39) such that Calculus/Introduction to multivariable calculus - Wikibooks, open books for an open world (40) is in S implies Calculus/Introduction to multivariable calculus - Wikibooks, open books for an open world (41) .

We will focus on the limits of two-variable functions while reviewing the limits of single-variable functions. Multivariable limits are significantly harder than single-variable limits because of different directions. Assume that there is a single-variable function:

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In order to ensure that Calculus/Introduction to multivariable calculus - Wikibooks, open books for an open world (43) exists, we need to test it from two directions: one approaching Calculus/Introduction to multivariable calculus - Wikibooks, open books for an open world (44) from the left side (Calculus/Introduction to multivariable calculus - Wikibooks, open books for an open world (45)) and the other approaching Calculus/Introduction to multivariable calculus - Wikibooks, open books for an open world (46) from the right side (Calculus/Introduction to multivariable calculus - Wikibooks, open books for an open world (47)). Recall that

Calculus/Introduction to multivariable calculus - Wikibooks, open books for an open world (48) exists when Calculus/Introduction to multivariable calculus - Wikibooks, open books for an open world (49).

For example, Calculus/Introduction to multivariable calculus - Wikibooks, open books for an open world (50) does not exist because Calculus/Introduction to multivariable calculus - Wikibooks, open books for an open world (51) and Calculus/Introduction to multivariable calculus - Wikibooks, open books for an open world (52). Now, assume that there is a function with two variables:

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If we want to take a limit, for example, Calculus/Introduction to multivariable calculus - Wikibooks, open books for an open world (54), not only do we need to consider the limit from the direction of the Calculus/Introduction to multivariable calculus - Wikibooks, open books for an open world (55)-axis, we also need to consider the limit from all directions, which includes the Calculus/Introduction to multivariable calculus - Wikibooks, open books for an open world (56)-axis, lines, curves, etc. Generally speaking, if there is one direction where the calculated limit is different from others, the limit does not exist. We will be discussing this in detail here.

Differentiable functions

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When we expand our scope into the 3-dimensional world, we have significantly more situations to consider. For example, derivatives. In previous chapters, derivatives only have one direction (the Calculus/Introduction to multivariable calculus - Wikibooks, open books for an open world (59)-axis) because there is only one variable.

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When we have two or more variables, the rate of change can be calculated in different directions. For example, take a look at the image on the right. This is the graph of a two-variable function. Since there are two variables, the domain will be the whole Calculus/Introduction to multivariable calculus - Wikibooks, open books for an open world (61)-plane. We will graph the output Calculus/Introduction to multivariable calculus - Wikibooks, open books for an open world (62) on the Calculus/Introduction to multivariable calculus - Wikibooks, open books for an open world (63)-axis. The equation for the function on the right is:

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How can we calculate a derivative? The answer is to use partial derivatives. As the name suggests, it can only calculate a derivative "partially" because we can only calculate the rate of change of a graph in one direction.

Partial derivatives

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Notations are important for partial derivatives.

Calculus/Introduction to multivariable calculus - Wikibooks, open books for an open world (65) means the derivative of Calculus/Introduction to multivariable calculus - Wikibooks, open books for an open world (66) in the Calculus/Introduction to multivariable calculus - Wikibooks, open books for an open world (67)-axis direction, where we only view the Calculus/Introduction to multivariable calculus - Wikibooks, open books for an open world (68) as a variable while Calculus/Introduction to multivariable calculus - Wikibooks, open books for an open world (69) as a constant.

Calculus/Introduction to multivariable calculus - Wikibooks, open books for an open world (70) means the derivative of Calculus/Introduction to multivariable calculus - Wikibooks, open books for an open world (71) in the Calculus/Introduction to multivariable calculus - Wikibooks, open books for an open world (72)-axis direction, where we only view the Calculus/Introduction to multivariable calculus - Wikibooks, open books for an open world (73) as a variable while Calculus/Introduction to multivariable calculus - Wikibooks, open books for an open world (74) as a constant.

For simplicity, we will often use various standard abbreviations, so we can write most of the formulae on one line. This can make it easier to see the important details.

We can abbreviate partial differentials with a subscript, e.g.,

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Note that Calculus/Introduction to multivariable calculus - Wikibooks, open books for an open world (76) in general. They are only sometimes equal. For details, see The_chain_rule_and_Clairaut's_theorem.When we are using a subscript this way we will generally use the Heaviside D (which stands for "directional") rather than ∂,

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Calculus/Introduction to multivariable calculus - Wikibooks, open books for an open world (78) means the derivative of Calculus/Introduction to multivariable calculus - Wikibooks, open books for an open world (79) in the direction Calculus/Introduction to multivariable calculus - Wikibooks, open books for an open world (80)

If we are using subscripts to label the axes, x1, x2 …, then, rather than having two layers of subscripts, we will use the number as the subscript.

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We can also use subscripts for the components of a vector function, Calculus/Introduction to multivariable calculus - Wikibooks, open books for an open world (82)If we are using subscripts for both the components of a vector and for partial derivatives we will separate them with a comma.

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The most widely used notation is Calculus/Introduction to multivariable calculus - Wikibooks, open books for an open world (84).

We will use whichever notation best suits the equation we are working with.

Directional derivatives

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Normally, a partial derivative of a function with respect to one of its variables, say, xj, takes the derivative of that "slice" of that function parallel to the xj'th axis.

More precisely, we can think of cutting a function f(x1,...,xn) in space along the xj'th axis, with keeping everything but the xj variable constant.

From the definition, we have the partial derivative at a point p of the function along this slice as

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provided this limit exists.

Instead of the basis vector, which corresponds to taking the derivative along that axis, we can pick a vector in any direction (which we usually take as being a unit vector), and we take the directional derivative of a function as

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where d is the direction vector.

If we want to calculate directional derivatives, calculating them from the limit definition is rather painful, but, we have the following: if f: RnR is differentiable at a point p, |p|=1,

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There is a closely related formulation which we'll look at in the next section.

Gradient vectors

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The partial derivatives of a scalar tell us how much it changes if we move along one of the axes. What if we move in a different direction?

We'll call the scalar f, and consider what happens if we move an infinitesimal direction dr=(dx,dy,dz), using the chain rule.

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This is the dot product of dr with a vector whose components are the partial derivatives of f, called the gradient of f

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We can form directional derivatives at a point p, in the direction d then by taking the dot product of the gradient with d

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Notice that grad f looks like a vector multiplied by a scalar. This particular combination of partial derivatives is commonplace, so we abbreviate it to

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We can write the action of taking the gradient vector by writing this as an operator. Recall that in the one-variable case we can write d/dx for the action of taking the derivative with respect to x. This case is similar, but acts like a vector.

We can also write the action of taking the gradient vector as:

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Properties of the gradient vector

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  • Grad f(p) is a vector pointing in the direction of steepest slope of f. |grad f(p)| is the rate of change of that slope at that point.

For example, if we consider h(x, y)=x2+y2. The level sets of h are concentric circles, centred on the origin, and

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grad h points directly away from the origin, at right angles to the contours.

  • Along a level set, (∇f)(p) is perpendicular to the level set {x|f(x)=f(p) at x=p}.

If dr points along the contours of f, where the function is constant, then df will be zero. Since df is a dot product, that means that the two vectors, df and grad f, must be at right angles, i.e. the gradient is at right angles to the contours.

Algebraic properties

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Like d/dx, ∇ is linear. For any pair of constants, a and b, and any pair of scalar functions, f and g

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Since it's a vector, we can try taking its dot and cross product with other vectors, and with itself.

Product and chain rules

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Just as with ordinary differentiation, there are product rules for grad, div and curl.

  • If g is a scalar and v is a vector, then
the divergence of gv is
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the curl of gv is
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  • If u and v are both vectors then
the gradient of their dot product is
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the divergence of their cross product is
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the curl of their cross product is
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We can also write chain rules. In the general case, when both functions are vectors and the composition is defined, we can use the Jacobian defined earlier.

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where Ju is the Jacobian of u at the point v.

Normally J is a matrix but if either the range or the domain of u is R1 then it becomes a vector. In these special cases we can compactly write the chain rule using only vector notation.

  • If g is a scalar function of a vector and h is a scalar function of g then
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  • If g is a scalar function of a vector then
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This substitution can be made in any of the equations containing


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We have already considered differentiation of functions of more than one variable, which leads us to consider how we can meaningfully look at integration.

In the single variable case, we interpret the definite integral of a function to mean the area under the function. There is a similar interpretation in the multiple variable case: for example, if we have a paraboloid in R3, we may want to look at the integral of that paraboloid over some region of the xy plane, which will be the volume under that curve and inside that region.

Riemann sums

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When looking at these forms of integrals, we look at the Riemann sum. Recall in the one-variable case we divide the interval we are integrating over into rectangles and summing the areas of these rectangles as their widths get smaller and smaller. For the multiple-variable case, we need to do something similar, but the problem arises how to split up R2, or R3, for instance.

To do this, we extend the concept of the interval, and consider what we call a n-interval. An n-interval is a set of points in some rectangular region with sides of some fixed width in each dimension, that is, a set in the form {xRn|aixibi with i = 0,...,n}, and its area/size/volume (which we simply call its measure to avoid confusion) is the product of the lengths of all its sides.

So, an n-interval in R2 could be some rectangular partition of the plane, such as {(x,y) | x ∈ [0,1] and y ∈ [0, 2]|}. Its measure is 2.

If we are to consider the Riemann sum now in terms of sub-n-intervals of a region Ω, it is

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where m(Si) is the measure of the division of Ω into k sub-n-intervals Si, and x*i is a point in Si. The index is important - we only perform the sum where Si falls completely within Ω - any Si that is not completely contained in Ω we ignore.

As we take the limit as k goes to infinity, that is, we divide up Ω into finer and finer sub-n-intervals, and this sum is the same no matter how we divide up Ω, we get the integral of f over Ω which we write

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For two dimensions, we may write

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and likewise for n dimensions.

Iterated integrals

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Thankfully, we need not always work with Riemann sums every time we want to calculate an integral in more than one variable. There are some results that make life a bit easier for us.

For R2, if we have some region bounded between two functions of the other variable (so two functions in the form f(x) = y, or f(y) = x), between a constant boundary (so, between x = a and x =b or y = a and y = b), we have

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An important theorem (called Fubini's theorem) assures us that this integral is the same as

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if f is continuous on the domain of integration.

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Is multivariable calculus the hardest? ›

However, for most students calculus specifically multivariable calculus is one of the most difficult courses in their fields of study (Eisenberg, 1991; Tall, 1993; Artigue & Ervynck, 1993; Yudariah & Roselainy, 2001; Willcox & Bounova, 2004; Kashefi, Zaleha, & Yudariah, 2010, 2011a, b).

Is Calc 3 a multivariable calculus? ›

Learn Multivariable Calculus (Calc 3) Online. This course delves into the realm of differentiating functions of multiple variables and their practical applications.

What is the difference between calculus and multivariable calculus? ›

Multivariable Calculus is the generalization of 1-variable calculus (Calculus I and II) to multiple variables. Calculus I and II is concerned with the calculus of functions of a single variable: f(x), where as Multivariable Calculus is exploring the calculus of functions of 2 or more variables: f(x,y).

What is the calculus of several variables introduction? ›

Multivariable calculus (also known as multivariate calculus) is the extension of calculus in one variable to calculus with functions of several variables: the differentiation and integration of functions involving multiple variables (multivariate), rather than just one.

What is the most difficult math class? ›

1. Real Analysis: This is a rigorous course that focuses on the foundations of real numbers, limits, continuity, differentiation, and integration. It's known for its theoretical, proof-based approach and can be a paradigm shift for students used to computation-heavy math courses.

Is linear algebra harder than Multivariable Calculus? ›

As for answering, “Is linear algebra harder than calculus?” Multivariable Calculus is considered the hardest mathematics course. Calculus is the hardest mathematics subject and only a small percentage of students reach Calculus in high school or anywhere else.

What is Calc 4 called? ›

Calculus 4 - Multivariable Calculus - Vector Calculus Course Information. Calculus 4 course can best be described as a "the first semester course of Differential and Integral Calculus to functions of many variables". This course has many names, all being equivalent: Calculus 3. Calculus 4.

Is there Calc 5? ›

Many schools have up to Calc 3, then there's real analysis, complex analysis, and differential equations (the last is sometimes split into 2 courses, depending on the school). Most schools probably don't have “calc 5” or above, but that hardly means that calc 1–3 covers all of calculus.

Which calc is the hardest? ›

Calculus 2 is harder for a few reasons: There is no central theme. Calculus 1 is about differentiation, and integration, and ends with the fundamental theorem, unifying the two subjects. Calculus 3 is about studying calculus in higher dimensions, and generalizing the fundamental theorem over and over.

What is the highest level of math? ›

A doctoral degree is the highest level of education available in mathematics, often taking 4-7 years to complete. Like a master's degree, these programs offer specializations in many areas, including computer algebra, mathematical theory analysis, and differential geometry.

What math is above multivariable calculus? ›

Two main courses after calculus are linear algebra and differential equations.

How fast can I learn multivariable calculus? ›

Calculus II, Multivariable Calculus can be finished in 5-6 weeks with strong time commitment. You can take up to 1 year to finish your course, if you wish to go slower. If you are looking for an easier Calculus course - perhaps a multiple choice course - then keep looking -- this is not the course for you!

What is multivariable calculus called in college? ›

This course covers the typical third semester of college Calculus (typically called Calculus III), specifically the extension of differentiation and integration techniques to two or more variables, the study of vector calculus, and the application of these concepts to vector fields.

What level of calculus is multivariable calculus? ›

Calc III re-visits topics from Calc I and II and extends them to multivariable functions and vector fields. This is a great class for students who want to review their calculus and take their math to the next level.

What does R 2 mean in multivariable calculus? ›

The coefficient of determination, or R2 , is a measure that provides information about the goodness of fit of a model. In the context of regression it is a statistical measure of how well the regression line approximates the actual data.

Is Multivariable Calculus harder than BC? ›

BC Calc is the most difficult math course that most high school even have available to their students, so even though colleges will typically compare you to other applicants from your school, having BC instead of Multi shouldn't set you back much at all.

What level of calculus is Multivariable Calculus? ›

Calc III re-visits topics from Calc I and II and extends them to multivariable functions and vector fields. This is a great class for students who want to review their calculus and take their math to the next level.

What's harder, Calc 2 or 3? ›

As for difficulty, it's quite subjective and depends on your strengths and what you find more challenging. Some students find Calc 2 tougher due to its heavy focus on integration techniques and series, whereas others may struggle more with Calc 3 as it involves more geometric and spatial reasoning.

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