Hatsune Miku -Project DIVA- (Game) (2025)

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Hatsune Miku: -Project DIVA-
Hatsune Miku -Project DIVA- (Game) (1)

Game Info
TitleHatsune Miku -Project DIVA-
Release DateJuly 2, 2009
DescriptionThe first game in the series.

Hatsune Miku: -Project DIVA- (初音ミク -Project DIVA-) is the first rhythm game of the Hatsune Miku -Project DIVA- series, and the first game that stars the virtual idol Hatsune Miku, released on the PSP (PlayStation Portable) published by Sega in July 2009. The sequel, Hatsune Miku -Project DIVA- 2nd, was released in July 2010.

The game focuses on Crypton Future Media's most popular VOCALOID as she sings her way through various music stages. The game features costume changes and cameos by fellow VOCALOIDs: MEIKO, KAITO, Kagamine Rin, Kagamine Len, and Megurine Luka. Also featured are popular Derivatives: Sakine Meiko, Akita Neru, and Yowane Haku. Although the game features the derivative, Hachune Miku, she is not a playable extra and only appears in the game's intro.

This game is rated E by the ESRB according to the info of the imports of this game offered by SEGA of America on Amazon.


  • 1 Gameplay and Features
  • 2 Modules
  • 3 Song List
    • 3.1 Pink
    • 3.2 Blue
    • 3.3 Orange
    • 3.4 Yellow
    • 3.5 Sky Blue
    • 3.6 White
  • 4 DLC
    • 4.1 Miku Uta, Okawari
      • 4.1.1 Okawari's Song List
    • 4.2 Motto Okawari, Rin, Len, Luka
      • 4.2.1 Motto's Song List
    • 4.3 Dreamy Theater

Gameplay and Features[]

An animated PV plays as players try to time their button presses with the colorful shaped icons moving across the screen. The game's most highly praised feature, Edit Mode, allows the players to create a customized music video of their desired song saved on their PSP that could even include gameplay.

The game's playlist consists of popular songs by known Producers and also fan illustrations as loading screens.

  • All songs with the Pink tag are produced by ryo/supercell.
  • All songs with the Blue tag are produced by kz/livetune.
  • All songs with the Orange tag are produced by OSTER project.
  • All songs with the Yellow tag are produced by Travolta-P, Hadano-P, iroha (sasaki), and Hayaya-P.
  • All songs with the Sky Blue tag are produced by Kosaki Satoru, Namiki Koichi, and halyosy.
  • All songs with the White tag are produced by OSTER project, Otomania, azuma, Yasuo-P, CosMo, Deadball-P, and ika.

Every song has three difficulty modes; Easy, Normal, and Hard. The specific difficultness is ranked by stars. The higher amount of stars a song has, the harder the song. Easy songs have one to three stars, Normal songs have two to four stars, and Hard songs have three to five stars. Only two songs break this formula; "Hatsune Miku no Shoushitsu" is seven stars on Hard, and "Requiem for the Phantasma" is four stars on Easy, five stars on Normal, and six stars on Hard.


For a list of Modules and how to unlock them, please see here.

Not including the default Miku module, there are a total of 52 modules to unlock. This is done by various methods such as: clearing stages based on difficulty, having ranks, combos, and high scores. Some stages require a player to use a certain module to gain other modules.

Song List[]


Japanese, RomajiEnglishProducerEasy DifficultyNormal DifficultyHard DifficultySinger
01ワールドイズマイン (The World is Mine)The World is Mineryo123Miku
02ひねくれ者 (Hinekuremono)The Rebelryo234Miku
03恋は戦争 (Koi wa Sensou)Love is War (EAGER LOVE REVENGE)ryo234Miku
04その一秒 スローモーション (Sono Ichibyou Slow Motion)That One Second Slow Motionryo345Miku
05メルト (Melt)Meltryo345Miku


Japanese, RomajiEnglishProducerEasy DifficultyNormal DifficultyHard DifficultySinger
06Far AwayFar Awaykz123Miku
07ストロボナイツ (Strobe Nights)Strobe Nightskz234Miku
08Star StoryStar Storykz234Miku
09Last Night, Good NightLast Night, Good Nightkz345Miku


Japanese, RomajiEnglishProducerEasy DifficultyNormal DifficultyHard DifficultySinger
11雨のちSweet*Drops (Ame Nochi Sweet*Drops)Sweet*Drops After the RainOSTER project123Miku
12ミラクルペイント (Miracle Paint)Miracle PaintOSTER project234Miku
13フキゲンワルツ (Fukigen Waltz)Bad Mood WaltzOSTER project234Miku
14マージナル (Marginal)MarginalOSTER project345Miku
15Dreaming Leaf -ユメミルコトノハ- (-Yume Miru Kotonoha-)Dreaming Leaf -Dreaming Words-OSTER project345Miku


Japanese, RomajiEnglishProducerEasy DifficultyNormal DifficultyHard DifficultySinger
16荒野と森と魔法の歌 (Kouya to Mori to Mahou no Uta)Song of Wastelands, Forests, and MagicTravolta-P123Miku
17荒野と森と魔法の歌 (レンver.) (Kouya to Mori to Mahou no Uta (Len ver.))Song of Wastelands, Forests, and Magic (Len ver.)Travolta-P123Len
18荒野と森と魔法の歌 (リンver.) (Kouya to Mori to Mahou no Uta (Rin ver.))Song of Wastelands, Forests, and Magic (Rin ver.)Travolta-P123Rin
19ハト (Hato)White Dove/PigeonHadano-P234Miku
21みくみく菌にご注意♪ (Miku Miku-kin ni Gochuui♪)Beware of the Miku Miku Bacteria♪Hayaya-P345Miku
22いのちの歌 (Inochi no Uta)Song of LifeTravolta-P345Miku
23いのちの歌 (レンver.) (Inochi no Uta (Ren ver.))Song of Life (Len ver.)Travolta-P345Len
24いのちの歌 (リンver.) (Inochi no Uta (Rin ver.))Song of Life (Rin ver.)Travolta-P345Rin

Sky Blue[]

Japanese, RomajiEnglishProducerEasy DifficultyNormal DifficultyHard DifficultySinger
25The secret gardenThe secret gardenKosaki Satoru123Miku
26Dear cocoa girlsDear cocoa girlsKosaki Satoru123Miku
27天鵞絨アラベスク (Biroudo Arabesque)Velvet ArabesqueNamiki Koichi234Miku
28ラブリスト更新中? (LOVE LIST Koushinchuu?)Updating Your Love List?Namiki Koichi234Miku
29桜ノ雨 Sakura no AmeSakura Rainhalyosy345Miku


Japanese, RomajiEnglishProducerEasy DifficultyNormal DifficultyHard DifficultySinger
30恋スルVOC@LOID (Koisuru VOC@LOID)VOC@LOID in LoveOSTER project345Miku
31Ievan PolkkaEva's PolkkaOtomania234Miku
32あなたの歌姫 (Anata no Utahime)Your Divaazuma234Miku
33えれくとりっく・えんじぇぅ (Electric Angel)Electric AngelYasuo-P235Miku
34初音ミクの消失 -DEAD END- (Hatsune Miku no Shoushitsu -DEAD END-)The Disappearance of Hatsune MikucosMo347Miku
35金の聖夜霜雪に朽ちて (Kogane no Seiya Sousetsu ni Kuchite)Golden Holy Night Rotting into the Frost and Snow (Requiem for the Phantasma)Deadball-P456Miku
36みくみくにしてあげる♪ (Miku Miku ni Shite Ageru♪)I'll Miku-Miku You♪ (For Reals)ika345Miku


The Project Diva DLC are special add-ons to the original game. To date, there are a total of 2 DLC packs released, one featuring songs sung by Hatsune Miku, while the other featuring songs sung by Kagamine Len and Rin, as well as Megurine Luka. There's also an add-on called Dreamy Theater that allows you to play the original game on the PS3 with better graphics.

To get it, you will first need a PSP with Project Diva in it, as well as a memory stick. You must also have a Japanese PSN Store account. (There are enough tutorials on the internet how to make a Japanese PSN Account even when you don't live in Japan.)

With these present, you can now download the content, but you will need a credit card or Japanese PSN Cards (available f.e. on ebay) to make this online purchase.

Please take note that it is only available in the Japanese PSN store, and PSN stores in other regions do not offer this DLC, as it is strictly a Japan-only game.

All DLC are compatible with Dreamy Theater PS3.

Miku Uta, Okawari[]

Miku Uta, Okawari
Hatsune Miku -Project DIVA- (Game) (2)

Game Info
TitleMiku Uta, Okawari
Release DateMarch 25, 2010
DescriptionThe first DLC that was released by SEGA on the PSN Store. It costs 2000 Yen, and is nicknamed Okawari.

This DLC pack includes:

  • 9 songs sung by Hatsune Miku
  • High-quality polygon PVs of all the songs (can only be viewed)
  • 'Hello, Planet' 8-bit minigame (features 4 levels)
  • Special Miku theme for your PSP

Okawari's Song List[]

Japanese, RomajiEnglishProducerSinger
01歌に形はないけれど (Uta ni Katachi wa Nai Keredo)Though My Song Has no FormdorikoMiku
031/6 -out of the gravity-1/6 -out of the gravity-Vocaliod-PMiku
04裏表ラバーズ (Ura-omote Lovers)Two-Sided LoverswowakaMiku
05二息歩行 (Nisoku Hokou)Two Breaths WalkingDECO*27Miku
06パズル (Puzzle)PuzzleKuwagata-PMiku
08Alice -Diva Mix-Alice -Diva Mix-Furukawa-PMiku
09*ハロー、プラネット。 (*Hello, Planet.)(I.M.PLSE-EDIT)*Hello, Planet. (I.M.PLSE-EDIT)sasakure.UKMiku

Motto Okawari, Rin, Len, Luka[]

Motto Okawari, Rin, Len, Luka
Hatsune Miku -Project DIVA- (Game) (3)

Game Info
TitleMotto Okawari, Rin, Len, Luka
Release DateJuly 1, 2010
DescriptionThe second DLC that was released by SEGA on the PSN Store. It costs 3000 Yen, and is nicknamed Motto.

This DLC pack includes:

  • 18 songs sung by Kagamine Rin, Kagamine Len, and Megurine Luka (7 songs by Rin, 2 songs by Len, and 9 songs by Luka)
  • High-quality polygon PVs of all the songs (can only be viewed)
  • 'Toeto' minigame (Tamagotchi-typed)
  • Special Rin/Len and Luka themes for your PSP

Motto's Song List[]

Japanese, RomajiEnglishProducerSinger
02すすすす、すき、だあいすき (Su-Su-Su-Su, Suki, Daisuki)I Like You, I Love YouJevanni-PRin
03モバイリ:センセーション(C.A.LLME-EDIT) (Mobairi: Sensēshon (C.A.LLME-EDITMobiRe SenS@tion (C.A.LLME-EDIT)sasakure.UKRin
04自己嫌悪 (Jiko Ken'o)Self-HatredGinsakuRin
06レンラクマダー? (Renraku Madaa?)Why Don't You Call Me Yet?Live-PRin
07那由他の彼方まで (Nayuta no Kanata Made)To the End of InfinityTsurishi-PLen, Rin, Miku
08ぶっちぎりにしてあげる♪ (Bucchigiri ni Shite Ageru♪)I'll Outrun You for Good♪Bucchigiri-PRin
09サンドスクレイパー -砂漠の特急線- (Sandscraper -Sabaku no Tokkyuusen-)Sandscraper -Desert Line Express-Mikusagi-PLen
12ワンダーラスト (Wanderlast) (A.R.MAGE-EDIT)The "Wanderlast" (A.R.MAGE-EDIT)sasakure.UKLuka
13紅一葉 (Akahitoha)Crimson LeafKurousa-PLuka
14巡姫舞踊曲 (Meguri Hime Buyou Kyoku)Itineranting Diva's Dance MusicNo.DLuka
16ルカルカ★ナイトフィーバー (Luka Luka★Night Fever)Luka Luka★Night FeversamfreeLuka
17No LogicNo LogicJimmyThumb-PLuka
18トエト (Toeto)ToetoToraboruta-PLuka

Dreamy Theater[]

Dreamy Theater
Hatsune Miku -Project DIVA- (Game) (4)

Game Info
TitleDreamy Theater
Release DateJune 24, 2010
DescriptionA DLC add-on that allows you to play the game with better graphics on a PS3.

The infobox is self-explanatory.

Hatsune Miku -Project DIVA- (Game) (2025)
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